31 Best Copywriting Blogs and Books (Proven To Help Sell $50 Million+ Online) – Kings of Conversion

31 Best Copywriting Blogs and Books (Proven To Help Sell $50 Million+ Online)

Hi! My name is Robert Allen and I’m a real-life, copywriter who’s sold over $50 million worth of products online.

And these are the 31 best copywriting blogs, books, and people I’ve learned from along the way.

If you want to level up your copywriting skills, no need to sort through a pile of garbage to get to the gold.

I’ve curated a list with only the best of the best for you right here. So that the next time you need to write an email, sales page or promotion, you have all the tools and knowledge you need to make it a smashing hit.

Disclosure: If you decide to buy any of the books using the referral link above, I’ll get a small commission at no extra cost to you. It simply helps support the cost of keeping up this site. In the last 5 months, I’ve made less than $50 with these links so it certainly won’t make me rich. However, these books just might make you 🙂

#1 Best Copywriting Book: The Copywriter’s Handbook by Robert Bly

I keep my dog-eared, tattered and highlighted copy of this book on my desk at all times.If you want a crash course on copywriting, you must check this out.

It’s a must-read because this book keeps you grounded in the fundamentals of great copy.

And that’s critically important. If you’re struggling with a piece, one of the most impactful things you can do is NOT sit, scratch your head and wonder — “What’s the perfect way to begin this piece?”

It’s much better to have a structure you can always reference.

Bly covers everything from headlines that work (and how to use them)…to ways to make your copy more readable…to fifteen ways to open a sales letter.

And so much more.

Plus, it’s loaded with examples of actual successful letters that have run profitably for years and years.

Snag it and keep this copywriting book on your table side from today on.

#2 Best Copywriting Book: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Getting Your Shit Together

John Carlton is the most ripped-off copywriter alive.

In fact, a lot of modern-day ads are blatant plagiarisms of some of his most successful pieces.

Even still, Carlton doesn’t care. You can steal his words, but you can’t take his swagger and deep understanding of what makes people buy.

And that swagger and psychology shines through in his copy. Try reading something he wrote without feeling something well up in your chest and stir you to act.

I’d recommend reading this copywriting book with an eye to 2 things:

  1. His style. You can soak up his years of copywriting knowledge just by giving this one a close read. It’s spunk combined with direct response combined with vivid imagery.
  2. How to start your own business. This book is a great guide for getting started as a freelance copywriting, business owner or even an in-house copywriter who’s going to take control of their career destiny.

Carlton’s been around the block a time or two, He’s gotten a few scars. And rather than make the same mistakes he made, you can get some of those lessons directly from this book.

Get this great copywriting book now and get your stuff together.

#3 Best Copywriting Book: Feed A Starving Crowd

The opening story of this copywriting book makes the whole thing worth it. And if you write copy, it might be the most important story you ever have in your arsenal.

The fundamental premise is this:

If you were to start a business selling hamburgers tomorrow, what’s the #1 thing you should do to guarantee success?

Before you answer, notice your gut reaction.

Do you start thinking about things like:

  • The quality of ingredients?
  • Customer service?
  • Hiring a great chef?
  • Being on the good side of town?

While important, those are not the ultimate keys to selling your hamburgers.

The biggest thing to focus on is….

...Finding a starving crowd of people.

In other words, if you’re going to write copy for a market, seek out the people who have an insatiable desire for your product first.

Then focus on the shiny aspects of getting creative with your words.  

Rather than focusing on bells and whistles or fancy design. You should find out WHERE THE BUYERS are first.

Then, write to their needs specifically.

When you do this, your copy will be the control.

The book goes into a lot more detail on HOW to do this. Plus, he goes into how to find these profitable niches and launch a business on a shoestring budget.

One cool benefit of the book is that it includes action items and worksheets. So you can walk through the entire process along with Robert.  

If you just apply a few of these strategies to your copywriting/ads, you’ll thank yourself for giving this copywriting book a shot.

#4 Best Copywriting Book: Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message by Michael Masterson

Masterson argues that 80% of the sales results for any promotion come from 20% of the copy on the page.

On top of that, he says the hook and headline are the pieces that make up that critical 20%.

If you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. If the headline and first couple of paragraphs don’t grab people’s attention, the promotion is probably going to fail.

Who’s going to keep reading if the first few lines are dull?

Masterson has a lot of frameworks that help you instantly hook your audience.

But it’s not just about writing something that’s super compelling. It’s about writing something that’s fascinating to your audience (aka the buyers).

And that’s key. If you don’t know what your prospects want to hear about, how can you connect with them?

Imagine if a coffee salesman walked into your house in the morning. You’re tired and sleepy. But all he talks to you about is detox and weightloss.

While that may be an interesting benefit of his product, all you want is more energy.

So why not lead with that?

“Are you tired of feeling exhausted in the morning? What if I told you there was a way to wake up early every day — even after a poor night’s sleep…and still have energy to go all day long.”

“Thanks to a new beverage we’ve developed, you can instantly refresh and revitalize your whole body. And it that only take 2 minutes to make. Plus, this beverage is virtually calorie free and been shown to have numerous health and cognitive benefits….” Etc…

See how you can sneak in the stuff about health and weight loss? But you have to lead with what your audience cares about first.

Remember this: A great product with the wrong messaging will fail every time.

This copywriting book shows you how to nail down your messaging in the first few lines of your marketing materials. That way you can say goodbye to guessing and checking and know every promotion you run will be a success.

#5 Best Copywriting Book: CA$HVERTISING

Every copywriter should buy two copies of this book. The first to mount and frame and the second to keep on their desk so they can generate profitable ads/copy on demand.

Whitman (a.k.a Dr. Direct) has knack for breaking complex marketing ideas into simple examples. For example, he talks about understanding people’s true motivations in your ads.

And he illustrates his point with this example:

“Which would you respond to first: your need to buy a new shirt or your need to run out of a burning building? Exactly.”

I also love a concept he calls The Life-Force 8, which are the 8 things human beings are biologically programmed to crave.

If you appeal to these 8 things in your writing/ads, you’ll see an instant lift in your sales. Mainly because when you do this, you’re not just selling. You’re tapping into the essence of what makes humans tick, click, like, and BUY.

Another thing I love is that he has tons of examples of what to say and what to NEVER say in your ads.

For example, if you owned an italian restaurant:

Whitman says DON’T use these vague terms:

Our expert cooks will make you a delicious homemade italian meal.

If you do, your ad will fall on deaf ears.


We make our pasta fresh every morning. We bake our own bread and serve it warm, golden, and crusty table side with a side of creamy whipped honey butter. Our sauce is made from scratch and never comes from a can. Everything we serve is homemade, 100 percent  natural and delicious.

A must-read book for copywriters.

#6 Best Copywriting Book: Influence

This is probably the most recommended book in the history of marketing. And for good reason.

If there’s one skill that will allow you to soar to the highest levels financially, it’s influence and persuasion.

Whether you’re a parent trying to get your kids to go to bed or you’re an employee trying to get your boss to give you a raise.

There’s nothing more powerful than knowing how to make people want to do business with you.

This isn’t about coercion or NLP. It’s about tapping into deep human psychology — the actuals pieces of what makes people like, buy and share anything.

Cialdini boils persuasion down to 6 key things you need to exert ultimate selling power. And you should always be thinking about ways to include these elements in your sales messages.

There’s a reason virtually every marketer, salesperson, and psychologist has this on their bookshelf. The theory is sound.

But more importantly it works in the real world. And you can start applying these 6 keys in your promotions today.

#7 Best Copywriting Book: The 4 Hour Workweek

If you want to be a successful copywriter, you’ve got to study popular books, movies, and societal trends.


Great copy isn’t about being fancy and using dense Shakespeare-style language. It’s about eliciting a response from the masses.

It’s about making people pull out their wallet, scavenge for dollar bills, and BUY.

That’s one reason why it’s important to read wildly successful books like Tim’s 4 Hour Workweek.

As you read it, you want to ask yourself, “Why?”

Why is this so successful? What made millions of people crave this book?

You’ll find some obvious answers like how Tim makes a huge promise (work 4 hours/week), actual payoff (he did in fact work 4 hours a week on his business), and vivid writing.

If you haven’t read it yet, I won’t spoil anything for you.

But let’s just say this: In the beginning of the book Tim paints an amazing picture of his life. He’s living on the beach in a foreign country, riding motorcycles down route 66, skiing the alps, and breaking world record tango lessons. ALL while he only works a few hours a week and still earns several hundred thousand dollars a year.

Then he shows you how to get all these things. All you need to do is understand there’s a new world we’re all living in. And it has a different set of rules.

This disrupts your entire way of thinking.

There’s a lot of great copy in there, too. But pay very close attention to the opening chapters. It’s really, really important for writing great copy.

Get started on your 4 hour workweek now.

#8 Best Copywriting Book: Contagious

Most ads, most businesses, and most ideas go unnoticed.

But every once in awhile, something breaks out. A Youtube video spreads across the nation. A charitable cause goes viral. A dance takes over every corner of the globe. A phone is universally used by millions.

They’re all remarkable in their own right. But what explains the difference between the hits and the millions of other things that flop?

One key thing to remember is that these remarkable ideas/products/trends ELICIT a response.

Does your copy do that?

Can you read it without feeling like you HAVE to do something? The book dives into why we feel that “HAVE-TO-SHARE” feeling. And it shows you how to engineer virality into your products/promotions.

Even if you don’t think there’s anything “viral” about your products and idea, it shows you how to find inner remarkability.

Make your next promotion or product go viral today with this great copywriting book.

#9 Best Copywriting Book: Everybody Writes

What I found particularly valuable is Handley’s persistent (and comforting) approach to:

Writing a shitty first draft. Then editing that shitty first draft.. Then trashing that shitty first draft..

And editing the whole thing again.

Handley is an accomplished marketer and writer. So she’s in a vulnerable spot to say “hey, yeah — I pretty much trash the first 80% of what I write…to this day!”

She argues that the writer who is willing to go through the most iterations with their copy wins.

For copywriters, this is one of the most important mental frameworks to have:

“Nothing is perfect. I will destroy and burn most of this, but that little nugget that sticks is going to be gold.”

Start refining your copy with Ann’s powerful frameworks today.

#10 Best Copywriting Book: The Confidence Game

In this book, you get a glimpse into the world of how con men (yes, thieves!) use stories, words, and emotions to rip off the masses.

Note: I do not think copywriters should read this book to do any scamming or manipulating of their own.

No. The reason copywriters must read this goes much deeper. It gets into how to inspire others to take action.

Consider this: the only thing that separates a con man from a great salesperson is intent.

For example, Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People is known as the bible of conmen…

But it’s also considered a staple on the shelves of successful business people.

See how it gets tricky?

The book is packed with jaw-dropping stories. But one of my favorites involves Victor Lustig (the man who sold the Eiffel Tower…twice) and Al Capone (one of the most famous gangsters and mobsters of all time).

I won’t spoil it by giving away the details. But let’s just say the con man (Lustig) is one of the few people who ever deceived Capone and lived to tell about it.  

You gotta check this copywriting book out.

#11 Best Copywriting Book: Seven Years to Seven Figures

Michael Masterson is one of the best copywriters and business men alive.

And in this book, he explains how anyone can build extreme wealth.

The tips are great for anyone looking to build a side business or climb the rungs of a company.

But that’s not the real reason copywriters should read this book. The reason to read this book is the case studies. Masterson did an artful job of writing these case studies. He hand-selected them to resonate with people in his audience.

And he shows the actual habits, patterns and practices they used to become wealthy.

He doesn’t just say, “Meet Diane who works in accounting. She hated her job. Now she owns her own business and has millions in the bank.”

He shows you how Diane used to wake up and slam her hand down on the alarm clock. How she’d look at the ceiling and sighs about another day of work.  She rolls out bed, chugs 2 cups of coffee. Then hits the road to go to a dead-end job, where she’s only paid $42,000 per year.

What’s worse is she has only $2,000 to a her name. And because of the mountain of bills she has to pay, she can’t quit.

When he goes into that level of details with each case study, you start to see parts of yourself in them.

That way when Masterson mentions the solutions/products these people used to change their lives, it doesn’t feel like selling.

They feel like natural solutions to burning problems.

It’s not an overt sales pitch. It’s artful and seductive. If you plan to use case studies when selling your products (which you should), this is a masterclass in how to do it right

#12 Best Copywriting Book: Copy Logic!

This book will help you turn out lots of copy a lot faster.

If you’ve ever been to a copy workshop, you know how frustrating it is to watch people spend hours debating 1-2 lines of copy. Attention is wasted on nailing down the exact wording of a few sentences (you’ll probably delete anyway).

And little time is spent on the parts of the promotion matter (things like the headline, lead, and readability).

Masterson gives two amazing frameworks to take B-level copy to A-level copy on time, every time, from this day forward.

It involves:

  1. CUB reviews
  2. Peer reviews.

There’s no vague advice or even criticism. These 2 methods allow for an honest evaluation of the COPY itself.

It helps copywriters find weak points in their copy without having to worry about being offended and attacked.

You can use these techniques on your own, with a small team or even by sending your copy to a few non-copywriters you know. And you’ll still walk away with better copy — no matter who’s reviewing it.  

And one thing I love is that you can use this same framework when giving feedback to others. When you do, you’ll quickly soar up the ranks as a great editor among your peers. You’ll be the guy or girl people can’t wait to hear from.

There’s nothing worse than reading someone’s copy, tearing it apart and sending the person away defeated and angry.

This method allows you to give and get feedback in a way that’s non-confrontational.

I cannot recommend this process higher — as someone who’s gotten demoralizing feedback before. And as someone who’s experienced the breakthroughs that positive feedback (like this) can have on your work and how you feel.

#13 Best Copywriting Book: Power Questions

Selling is not about cramming your product down the other person’s throat. It’s about catering your solutions to your prospects exact needs.

How do you uncover those needs in the first place?

Asking good questions.

And in this book Sobel presents 300+ questions that have all been tested at the highest level of sales (where the decision can take up to 6 months) and millions of dollars are at stake.

Ask the right question — at the right time — and you win. You’ll peel back the layers on their objections, and make them buy.

You can use the power questions Sobel presents in all kinds of situations — from networking to making the sale. These questions allow a conversation to flourish in many unexpected and delightful ways.

#14 Best Copywriting Book: Tribes

Godin is a legendary marketer and someone every copywriter should study. He’s famous for the 19+ best-selling books he’s written and the many millions of dollars he’s earned businesses through the years.

But the real magic of his work is in its brevity. He writes short, pithy, punchy stories. In less than 100 words, he’s able to capture the essence of everything that needs to be said (and more).

He’s a master storyteller. Even though you could pick up any one of his books and learn the equivalent of a college course in business, I like his book, “Tribes.” It’s all about creating a following and getting them to support everything you do.

Copywriters need to understand these core principles, including:

  • How to make people believe in your idea
  • How to get your ideas stand out
  • And how to get word about your work/ideas to spread massively

You can read this one in an afternoon, and you should definitely carve out few hours to check this one out.

#15 Best Copywriting Book: Getting Everything You Can Out of All You Got

Jay Abraham has helped more than 10,000 business, in more than 400 different industries. He’s earned more than $20,000,000 just from his consulting fees. And businesses happily pay him for the work he does to help them grow.

One of the most important lessons I ever learned from Jay was the concept of leverage: taking something you’re already doing, spending a little more time, and multiplying the results dramatically.

Leverage is completely different than what most people do.

Most people take something that’s not working and try even HARDER to make it work.

For example:

Some people go post their resume on monster.com and get ZERO job offers.

When they find that out, their first thought is “Oh I know, I’ll send out 500 more resumes! That’ll get em!”

If something isn’t working, don’t try harder or do more. Do something different.

Let’s apply this concept to you:

You’re already eating dinner. What if you could add 30% more ingredients and make 3x the meals for the rest of the week?

You’re already reading a book. What if you could read faster and remember more?

You’re already running ads. What if you could change the lead — or even just the first few words — and get 10x the response.

This is leverage. And Jay will show you how to apply this concept to your copywriting.

Another crucial idea he shows you is that there are only 3 ways to get more sales.

You can:

  • Increase prices (better package)
  • Increase frequency of purchases
  • Or increase the number of customers

Everything you do in business (and in copywriting) should relate back to these core things.  And he has hundreds of tactics on how to do each of these key 3 things.

Reading Jay’s work is wonderfully eye opening and artfully simplifying.

With this book, you’ll learn how to harvest profits from your copywriting that most people don’t know how to mine.

#16 Best Copywriting Book: The Power of Habit

Writing is a skill. And like any skill, the more you do it, the better you’ll be.

Any time I’ve skipped a few days of writing, I find it much harder to jump back in. But when I spend time writing every day (aka build the habit of writing), I find it 10x easier to get my ideas out and on the page.

This books shows you how to lay those foundational habits in all areas of your life.

It dives into the psychology of how to layer in rewards and triggers — so you always finish what you start.

Sharp, provocative, and useful. Definitely check it out.

#17 Best Copywriting Book: Ask

Ryan is a genius marketer whose ideas have helped generate over $100 MILLION in revenue in just a few years.

The crazy thing is just a few years ago he was living in one of the poorest cities in the US on $500/month and broke.

Today, he’s helped build several multimillion dollar companies.

The foundation of that change started with a simple but profound discovery.

He thought rather than guessing what people want and then trying to sell it to them, why not just ask?

Boom. A business and an industry was born overnight.

It sounds simple, but most businesses are not doing this.

If you ask the right questions, you no longer have boring ketchup to sell.

You have a spicy, gluten free ketchup that pairs perfectly with my favorite dish: eggs.

(You can find all this information out from Ryan’s proprietary survey method)

But these principles don’t just apply to scenarios like selling ketchup.

They go much deeper into constructing funnels, sales sequences and entire businesses around servicing the only thing that truly matters: giving people what they want.

And this is a masterclass in the best way to do that for your audience

#18 Best Copywriting Book: The War of Art

“Know thy enemy, know yourself.” wrote Sun Tzu in his classic The Art of War.

Today, the same lesson reigns true: know yourself and your weaknesses and your victory is certain.

While Sun Tzu applied this lesson to war, it also applies to winning on the creative battle field of writing.

This book takes the creative process and distills it down to a set of lessons that make pushing past obstacles and barriers much easier… and, in some cases, actually FUN!

It’s a lightning fast read. You can read one chapter in about 10 min. Or carve out a few hours on a Saturday and read the entire thing all at once.

Regardless of how you consume the information, by the end of it you’ll have everything you need to wage your daily battle with creative blocks and WIN.

Win your battle with creativity now.

#19: The Architecture of Persuasion

This book takes the key lessons the author learned in 30+ years of writing  and distills them down to a few key nuggets that you can use to write ANY promotion.

Now — I will admit this book is a little old school — in that it’s talking about the elements of a direct mail piece.

But the fundamental lessons still apply to email, Facebook, and more.

Masterson makes his case by comparing the sales letter to one man’s quest for romance.

You follow the aspiring romantic as he gets the attention of his prospective lover…

You watch as he figures out what to say. And you even get a glimpse into what he does to get her to fall in love with him.

It’s all laid out in a step by step framework. By the end of it, the lovers have a mutually beneficial, long-term relationship.

In the process, you learn how to construct a powerful sales letter.

Definitely check it out. If nothing else, you’ll be much better on your next date.

#20 Best Copywriting Book: Writing Tools

“You need writing tools, not writing rules.”

That’s the view of Roy Clark, one of America’s most influential writing teachers.

Clark distills decades of experience into 50 tools that can help any writer be more effective.

Each chapter is packed with actionable tips at the end. For any lesson that resonates with you, I definitely recommend you apply the action steps.

It helps drive home the point and helps you use it more in your writing.

For anyone who intends to make a living off any form of writing (or even if you just want to appreciate the art of what you read a little more) you’ll want to pick up a copy of this book and keep it at your desk for years to come.

#21 Best Copywriting Book: Bird by Bird

This book is endorsed by bestselling writers everywhere — from Tim Ferriss to Ryan Holliday and more. I must warn you though. If you’re looking for a quick-and-dirty guide to stellar copy, this is not for you.

But if you’re looking for a book to help you break out of a creative slump and write creative pieces on demand, then this may be the most important book you’ll ever read.

Even though Lamott’s core audience is clearly writers, the book is full of deep insights on life. It’s light on copy strategy, but I recommend you read it nonetheless.

#22 Best Copywriting Book: Pitch Anything

When it comes to delivering a pitch, Oren Klaff has unparalleled credentials.

He’s raise over $400 million in venture capital and pioneered one of the most breakthrough sales formula’s of all time.

As fitting as this is, I can’t sell this book any better than Klaff does with the opening 76 words of the book.

So I’ll let him take it from here:

“Here’s big idea in 76 words: There’s a fundamental disconnect between the way we pitch anything and the way it’s received by our audience.  As a result, at the crucial moment when it is most important to be convincing, 9/10 times we are not. Our most import messages have surprisingly low chances of getting through.

You need to understand why this disconnect occurs in order to overcome it, succeed, and profit. This book tells you how.”

And even though the book is intended for sales people, more than 90% of the lessons apply to copywriting.

Get it and thank me later.

#23 Best Copywriting Book: Breakthrough Advertising

This is one of my all-time favorite copywriting books.

Three important things to know about this book:

1. A lot of people find this book dense and tough to slog through. Do not take this one with you to the beach. It’s more of a textbook than it is a book to read.

2. It’s better to “go deep” and really study a handful of books than to zip through 100+ courses.

I’ve read many great copywriting books like “Breakthrough Advertising” 3, 4 and 5 times. And I plan to read them at least 10 times more. And by no means would I consider this one a once and done read.

There’s a lot of golden nuggets buried in between the lines of this books.

And different ideas will stick out at you at different times. Flip through it at least 2x a year.

3. This book ain’t cheap. By any means. If you have to, save up for this one for a while. It’s one of the most impactful, but it’s also the hardest to get immediate insights from. Worth it, but it’s definitely one of the most expensive books I own.

#24 Best Copywriting Book: Steal Like an Artist

The big idea in this book is that creativity is not magic. It’s not a gift bestowed upon the chosen few. And it’s definitely not reserved for people sitting around with feather pens and moleskine notebooks in coffee shops.

Creativity is for everyone. And better yet, creativity is a process of surrounding yourself with great ideas and assimilating them into something beautifully your own.

There’s a famous saying that comes out of this book. It’s that, “Good artist copy. And great artist steal.”

What that means is this: stand on the shoulders of the giants who came before you.

You’re not doing that so you can rip off their work directly.

You’re doing it so you can take others work, polish, shine it, and add the touch of what make you, uniquely you, and then release it to the world.

There’s a lot of insight baked into this short book. But I love the refreshing honesty that Kleon has to call great artist all out on their own bluff.

Start stealing great work for your creative pieces now.

#25 Best Copywriting Book: The Checklist Manifesto

Intuitively, we all know checklists are important for getting things done and making sure we don’t make glaring errors.

We use them while shopping at the grocery store and making to-do list at work.

But have you ever considered just how important checklist can be for other fields like copywriting?

One you may not have considered is surgery.

Here, one misstep here and you’re done.

One mistake and you’ve left a piece of equipment inside the patient. You’ve cut a vital artery or you’ve forgotten to sew up an organ and now the patient is spilling blood all over the floor.

It’s not that people are dumb. It’s that without checklist it’s easy for our minds to jump steps and leave out critical parts.

One of the best ways to combat this and make sure we do everything that needs to be done is by creating checklist.

Surgeon, writer, and public health researcher, Gawande has a unique perspective on building checklist.

And in his awesome book, he shows us we can apply checklist to larger challenges — from medicine to business.

This is really important for copywriters. Because with any promotion or sales campaign we run, there are tons of moving pieces.

It’s important to control every variable we can. And it’s even more important that we make sure everything we need to be done gets done — no questions.

That way if we replicate our successes again and again.

#26 Best Copywriting Book: You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One)

Want to write for a living?

Well, if you do, there’s one critical hurdle you have to jump over again and again: you’ve got to ACTUALLY write something.

Jeff has a powerful story of crushing self doubt and pushing through writer’s block to create and sell his books.

Plus, he shares actionable tips about getting your work seen (in major magazines and publications), shared (online and by influencers), and revered (by your community and following).

Repeat after me: “I am a writer. I can write great things. Now, I’m going to get to work.”

#27 Best Copywriting Book: Boron Letters By Gary C. Halbert

This is a series of letters from history’s greatest copywriter: Gary C. Halbert.

He actually wrote these letters to his son from prison. In them, he explains some of the deepest marketing and life insights you’ll ever find in a single book. It’s a masterclass in selling and persuasion, but it’s also packed with tips on self-improvement, physical fitness, and more.

If you can only read one book on copywriting, this is where I would start. Even though this book was written years ago, the strategies, secrets and tips inside are still relevant.

And they’ll be just as relevant 100 years from now. Why?

Because it’s about human psychology — things that never changes even if the mediums that we use to market do.

Get it and learn from the world’s greatest copywriter now.

4 Best Copywriting Blogs and People to Follow

#1 Best Copywriting Person: Ian Stanley

Ian has sold over $100,000,000 worth of products online and is considered to be one of the best copywriters in the world.

But unlike a lot of copywriters, he doesn’t just write. He’s actually built real businesses of his own. One was a water filtration company that he sold for north of 7-figures.

I’ve been on Ian’s email list for years and there isn’t an email he sends that doesn’t at least open my eyes to a new way of thinking or teach me a lesson about copywriting.

I also had the chance to attend one of his LionHeart workshop’s in 2018. And what I learned there made me a better person, friend and writer.

Definitely subscribe to his email list and read every single thing he writes. He’s funny, refreshingly honest and damn smart.

#2 Best Copywriting Blog: Neville Medhora

Neville is copywriting legend.

He famously started a dropshipping company that specialized in rave gear, learned how powerful copywriting was and then went on to take that skill to  8-figure companies, like AppSumo.

He’s a master storyteller and his blog is packed great information around becoming a copywriter.

#3 Best Copywriting Blog: Andre Chaperon

Andre is one of the few people who gets me to open and read every email he sends. He has a totally unique perspective on marketing and if you’re going to make it as a copywriter, you should definitely take the time to study his work.

#4 Best Copywriting Blog: Ramit Sethi

I had the honor of working with Ramit for 2 years. Working at his company, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, is actually where I got my start as a copywriter.

And I can say hands down that he’s one of the greatest copywriters of modern times.

His ability to tell stories is unmatched. His understanding of customers goes deeper than anyone I’ve ever known. And the way he weaves copy together to create powerful narratives is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

If there’s only one person you get your copywriting wisdom from, make it Ramit.