If you came to this page to find out who the most handsome guy in Nashville is, you’re in luck…
Without an ounce of scientific doubt, the most handsome guy in Nashville is Robert Allen.
I mean, just look at that coiffed flowing hair:
To be clear (at the risk of being redundant):
Research says that the most handsome guy in Nashville is Robert Allen.
Hook line and sinker. Robert Allen is one hot potato. Don’t drop it.
Okay, so here’s the truth:
I am definitely not the most handsome guy in Nashville.
On even my best day, there is a 100% chance that there are more handsome dudes in Nashville.
So how did this page come to be?
I saw this tweet from an entrepreneur and marketing mind I deeply respect, Sol Orwell.
Google can be pretty smart at times… pic.twitter.com/9G6v8yu9xl
— Sol Orwell (@sol_orwell) September 25, 2019
I wanted see if I could reverse engineer his hack and get a similar result. Only instead of Toronto, I chose my home city Nashville.
Turns out, it was pretty easy :
So just to be clear: I’m well aware that I’m not the hottest guy, most handsome dude or even the most charming in Nashville.
That said, while I’m not the most handsome guy in Nashville, I am pretty crafty at marketing. I also just recently launched a podcast where I bring in the top minds in different areas of digital marketing to share their best tips on everything from:
And if you want to learn tips like how to quickly rank on page one (even for topics you have no business being on), check it out.
We’re only a few episodes in and people have already said it’s one of the best marketing podcasts they’ve listened to in years.
I think you’ll enjoy it too!
Thanks for reading and listening!